1 module testquark.generators;
2 import std.traits;
4 public:
5 /++
6     Generate an array of n randomly generateds T's in 
7     the closed interval [a, b]. Emphasis on random, to avoid
8     compiler optimizations corrupting benchmark results.
9 +/
10 @safe T[] uniformArray(T)(ulong n, T a, T b)
11     if(isNumeric!T)
12     out(o; o.length == n)
13 {
14     auto tmp = new T[n];
15     foreach (ref i; tmp)
16     {
17         import std.random;
18         i = uniform(a, b);
19     }
20     return tmp;
21 }
23 ///
24 @safe unittest {
25     //Pass it to parameterizer by aliasing with your a, b
27     alias generate(n) = (n) => uniformArray(n, -20, 20);
29 }
30 /++
31     Generate n numbers distributed N(mu, sigma^2)
32 +/
33 F[] normalFloats(F)(ulong n, F mu, F sigma)
34     if(isFloatingPoint!F)
35     out(o; o.length == n)
36 {
37     import std.mathspecial;
38     auto tmp = new F[n];
39     foreach (ref i; tmp)
40     {
41         import std.random;
42         const uni = uniform(F(0), F(1));
43         const normal = normalDistribution(uni);
44         i = normal * sigma + mu;
45     }
46     return tmp;
47 }
48 ///
49 @safe unittest 
50 {
51     import std.stdio : writeln;
52     const y = normalFloats!float(200, 3.14159, 1);
53     float tmp = 0;
55     foreach(g; y)
56         tmp += g;
57     writeln(tmp / 200);
58 }
59 /++
60     Generate data in order in [min, max$(RPAREN) (in "steps").
61     Reason: Being nice to the branch predictor (A/B testing).
63 +/
64 T[] inorderDataArray(T)(T min, T max, T step)
65 {
66     import std.range : iota, array;
67     return iota(min, max, step).array;
68 }